Picture of the Week: Fun in the Pool

Picture of the Week: Fun in the Pool

Monday, June 25, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I've been keeping busy with this fun bouncy toy. I just keep going and going and going..

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

This is what happens when I get MAD

Hi There,

I know its been a while and you're probably wondering where I've been. Well, I've been taken by parents on a long trip to a place called Miami and there's lots of people I'm meeting for the first time including this guy in the picture who claims to be an uncle called Ivan.
But seriously, I'm having a lot of fun.. especially when I can grab a piece of somebody's cheek or nose!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Incredible Hulk

Ok, well maybe I'm not green enough to be the incredible hulk, but I'm trying.

The best thing about spinach is that it matches with my socks! I wish I could do this with carrots..

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hungry for Books

As you can see, I'm already into books (literally). I like chewing on them, especially the ones you can take with you while you're having a bath (like the one I'm holding). My parents always blab and point to the pictures in my books while I chew on them.. I don't know why but I think it has something to with the pictures!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

My First Meal

Hi people!

Yesterday was my first day eating with a spoon and it was very interesting as you can see!

I hope my future meals taste better than this rice cereal they're giving me..

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The Contender

Like I said, I mean serious business.

Don't get yourself confused with people who think they're in for an easy fight with a new kid on the block.. there's only one block to be had and its mine.

Me and my manager (bald guy in the picture) have been putting in a lot of hours training day and night to maintain my fighting condition (been taking in a lot of calcium lately) and I intend to show anyone who's interested in finding out.. what that means!

I assure yous out there that once my hood comes off, it ain't comin' back on until I see some bodies on the ground. See yous in the ring!

My Little Trick

Hi everyone, if you look very closely at my picture above you'll notice a little trick I've been practicing with my spit.. I like the fact that I can do things like this and everyone thinks its cute!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

When do I get to eat??

Its really not fair that I get strapped into this seat at the big table while mama and baba have their breakfast. What about me?, did anyone think about my needs?.. I got my first tooth coming out, and that must count for something!!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

My first nine months

Here's my beautiful mommy with me inside. I always kicked a lot to let her know that I was always there. We had a wonderful nine months together, I was a big boy then and I'm a big boy now.. eager to discover the big world ahead of me!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Pre-Me Era..

I just wanted to share this funny picture of Baba and Mama in the pre-me days when they were still being silly..
Of course Itoh and Blix were dragged along, they had no choice but to play along and pretend that they were having a great new year's eve party.. I doubt that they got a treat for that photo opportunity! As usual, Blix has no clue what's going on.
I hope they don't dress me up like that with those silly hats on new year's.. but knowing them.. who knows!!


Hello World!!

Welcome to my official webpage.. here you will find all sorts of interesting things about me, including all my favorite photos, book reviews and stories to tell!!

I'd love to hear what you think of my site!


Omar Al Sabbagh